
Thursday, July 28, 2011

25 Tremendous Tools To Enhance Your Google+ Experience

Google+ is getting lot of buzz these days and its not even one month before its launch – many users loves new social networking site offering from giant search engine company. There are already millions of people who have joined Google+ and enjoying its great features with their friends and family.

Even, we people on WebTabLab has spend lot of time using Google+ and came up with some great articles that you read to enhance your experience with latest social networking site.

If you are new Google+ user, you would love to check our article “Everything you need to know about Google+ and its features“. I am sure there are many users using Facebook too and need to know about some major differences between Google new social network and most popular social networking site in the world.

So, we have digg deeply and find out “6 major Google+ features missing in Facebook” and “8 major Facebook features missing in Google+” that might help you to spot the differences between these two social networking sites.

The main reason behind Google+ popularity is its immense options available and a hope that it will connected to other Google services such as Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Maps. etc that shows Google+ will be stay in the market for long time.

As we all know that Google+ is still in beta development, there are many features missing from it but because of some enthusiastic developers – they filled that gap tremendously by developing some great Chrome and Facebook add-ons/extensions.

These tools will make your Google+ experience more user friendly by adding some great features like better notifications, improved sharing options, feature to check Facebook in your Google+ account and much more.

So, in this article, I have decided to share some unique tools/extensions that will help you to enhance your Google+ account capability to a new extent.

Here’s, our collection of 25 tremendous tools/extensions to enhance your Google+ experience. If you know any other tools that you feel suits best in the below list, please be kind and share with our readers in the comments section below.

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1. Extended Share for Google Plus (Chrome)

Google+ does not have a quick way sharing your posts to Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Tumblr this extension will add a link “Share on …” to each post. Once clicked, it will bring up an internal bubble asking you where to share your post.

Future additions to this project will allow you to auto share with a single click instead of going through the hassle of clicking multiple times, for a better overall experience.

2. Google+Facebook (Firefox, Chrome)

Love Google+ but don’t wanna your previous hangout, i.e., Facebook. Now there is a extension called Google+Facebook that allows you to see your Facebook stream inside Google+. Simply Connect to Facebook, and get all the updates on your Google+ Facebook tab.

3. +Everything (Chrome)

Google+ is the beginning of a new web. With this app, it follow you everywhere and see if there are notifications waiting for you.

In short, this extension adds the Google+ bar to all websites.

4. GTools+ (Chrome)

GTools+ add many useful features for Google+ services. You can : stick the google bar, translate posts, customize notification color, change the google chat place, add notification for Gmail and Reader and more.

5. Liquid G+ (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE)

Adds columns to your Google+ screen just give a magazine view in a style.

6. G+ Count in Title (Chrome)

Places the Google+ notification count in parenthesis in the document title located in the page tab. While you are viewing pages in other tabs, you can see how many notifications you have in Google+.

The count is placed at the beginning of the title so that it can still be seen when the title is long, such as when you are viewing a profile. If you pin the tab or, depending on the size of your window, have a lot of tabs open then this extension is useless.

7. Replies and more for Google+ (Chrome)

This extension will allow you adds reply and reply-to-author buttons to Google+ comments for easy +mentions of other users. Some other favorites features of this extensions are :

  • Badges the favicon with a number when you have new messages
  • Ctrl+Enter and Shift+Enter submit a comment or post
  • “M” key mutes a post
  • Header bar floats down as you scroll
  • Adds a dropdown next to share with additional sharing options (Twitter/Facebook/Email)
  • Chime on new notifications
  • Desktop notifications when you have new messages

8. Google+Tweet (IE, Chrome, Firefox)

Google+Tweet integrates a full featured twitter client inside your Google Plus Account! A full featured twitter client for Google+! View your timeline, url shortening, photo sharing and more.

9. Color Plus (Chrome)

Color Plus is a Chrome extension that lets you change the color of the Google Plus bar because the gray is utterly boring.

10. +Photo Zoom (Chrome)

+Photo Zoom is a simple extension providing fast and simple zooming for photos within your Google+ Stream. Just hover over the image you wish to zoom and +Photo Zoom will load the enlarged version of the picture.

11. G+ Extended (Chrome)

This extension adds some much needed shortcuts for users of Google+. The new shortcuts are:

  • Press “+” for +1′ing a post.
  • Press “-” for removing your +1 on a post.
  • Press “p” to toggle your +1 on a post.
  • Press “s” to share a post.
  • Press “e” to expand older comments on a post.

12. Surplus (Chrome)

Google Plus Integration for Chrome. Some of the features include:

  • Post or respond from within the popup
  • Desktop Notifications
  • Notification sounds
  • Switch between multiple Google accounts
13. ++ (Chrome)
This extension extracts the Google+ profiles of the people whose names appear on the page you visit. It also retrieves some basic information to help you identify people. A fast and easy way to discover and add interesting people to your circles.

14. Tweets +1 (Chrome)

Adds the Google +1 Button to (aka New Twitter). This extension lets you +1 tweets directly from Twitter, plus see how many other +1′s a tweet has received!

15. Helper for Google+ (Chrome)

Add extra functions the Google+. Get desktop notifications on new posts. Share Posts via twitter. Translate posts with Google Translate. Bookmark posts faster for reading later (also to Linked #hashtags. Search in posts and profiles directly from your omnibox.

16. +Comment Toggle (Chrome)

+Comment Toggle hides any comments to posts within your Stream and makes them available if and when you actually want to see them.

17. +1 Plus One Extension (Chrome)

This extension let you +1 any web page. Just simple as one click!

18. Notification Count for Google Plus (Chrome)

If you want to be aware of who are talking to you or mentioning you in their conversation on Google Plus, but don’t wish to have a web page consistently opened for Google Plus or Gmail, then you should try this.

19. Facebook Friend Exporter (Chrome)

Get *your* data contact out of Facebook, whether they want you to or not. You gave them your friends and allowed them to store that data, and you have right to take it back out! Facebook doesn’t own my friends. Only available in English Facebook. Any other language will not work.

20. G Plus Lite (Chrome)

Google plus lite helps you to access google’s new social networking google plus in lite mode. Its really easy to use this lite version.

Guys this is mobile version! which is called lite version. In normal browser you cant get mobile version link for your browser but using this extension you can navigate mobile version of google plus on your browser!

21. Start G+ (Chrome)

Start Google+ is designed to help you jump right in to Google’s new social network. Here’s a few things that the plugin can do:

  • Put your Facebook and Twitter streams inside your Google Plus stream, complete with “Stream” links on the side and rich media
  • Automatically post to Facebook AND Twitter whenever you share something on Google Plus (you can turn this on/off from within the share window in Google Plus – see the screenshots)
  • Add a Gmail inbox notifier to the top bar, so that you do not have to keep a gmail tab open. Clicking on the Gmail icon shows a menu with the unread messages that let you access your emails directly inside Google+.

22. G+ ME (Chrome)

G+me is a Google Chrome browser extension that enhances the Google+ web app to unlock the potential of its real-time updates and make it much easier to process a large stream of incoming posts and comments.

23. Beautify G+ (Chrome)

This extension will add some features that are missing in Google Plus, starting with:

  • Fixed position of the menubar
  • Fixed position of the left column
  • Fixed position of the right column
  • +1 any Website you are on
  • Option to hide suggestions and “Go Mobile”
  • Option to enable favicon notifications
  • Option to enable audio notifications

24. GPlus+ Search (Chrome)

Search Public GPlus Content, Social Search , Makes Searching Your Stream Easy.

25. Usability Boost for Google Plus (Chrome)

This extension will help you visualize the flow of informations on Google Plus. Main features of this extension are :

  • It’s small CSS changes that put the focus on the content, separating visually posts and comments
  • The Google/Notification bar stays at a fixed position on top so you’ll never miss a notification again !
  • Displays a direct link to mute post


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