Did Apple manage satisfy your cravings for a new iPad? Maybe that new Mac Pro has got you readying a preorder, if only for the illusion of the power user that you one day hope to be. After a year's break, the return of Nokia World coincided with Apple's soiree, but the Microsoft-aligned phone maker actually had more new hardware to show off, including a pair of new Windows Phones, its first Windows tablet and a brimful (that is, three) of Asha phones. Leaf the digital page over to see both events reprocessed, vitamin-enriched and in numerical form.
- Weight of the new iPad air: 1 lb
- Weight of the new iPad Mini Retina: 0.73 lbs
- Weight of the first iPad: 1.5 lbs
- Nokia's new Asha 500 feature phone price: $69
- Number of Asha phones you could buy for the price of a Mac Pro: 43
- Reduction in Mac Pro's energy consumption compared to previous model: Up to 70 percent
- New Nokia devices announced this week: 6
- Nokia Lumia smartphones announced since 2011: 17
- New Apple devices announced this week: 2
- Apple smartphones announced since 2011: 3
- WhatsApp users on Nokia devices being added per day: 250,000
- Number of active WhatsApp users: 350 million
- Whatsapp's place in the iPhone's "All-Time Top Apps": No.18
- Total Number of iOS apps downloaded: 60 billion
- Number of iOS apps available: 1 million
- Number of Windows Phone apps available (as of August, 2013); 170,000
- Instagram app launch date on iOS: October 2010
- Instagram app launch date on Android: April 2012
- Instagram app launch date on Windows Phone: TBD ("In the coming weeks")
- Number of 'likes' on Nokia's first official Instagram photo: 367
- Number of 'likes' on a recent selfie of Kim Kardashian in a bathing suit: 972,164
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